What's up

German class starts in a few days.  I am hoping to come out of the class proficient enough to be able to get a job where I don't have to speak English (as those are very few and limited). 

On Tuesday I have an appointment to have my eyes checked, as they have gone to hell in a hand basket in the last eight months. I definitely need new glasses, and I will apparently need to wear them all the time since my vision is not as clear as it once was.  I would like to get contacts as well, but it's not in the budget.  Truth be told, glasses are not in the budget either, but they are a necessity.

As I was saying, I hope to be able to get a job once class is over.  Dreas and I would like to be able to start saving to move into a new place.  It looks like we'll be staying in Lower Austria, but we will be getting (at the minimum) a two bedroom flat, or house.

We are moving really slowly today.  We got out of bed late, then watched a movie while eating breakfast (this house is so small, the coffee table is out kitchen table, because there is no room in the house for a proper table).  Now Dreas is asleep (which he is always asleep, it seems like), and I am still in my pajamas. 

I'm going to throw myself into the shower, and wake Dreas up, and then get the hell out of the house before it's dark outside.


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