
Okay, I'm done. Seriously. Not only did I only get two hours of sleep last night, I am no longer employed.

This was a case of the right hand not knowing what the left hand was doing (so bloody typical here!). I was told by the Kindergarten Director that I had my trial day with (back in October) that I was hired (after she spoke to the head of the kindergarten conglomerate), and would start work on the 17th of January at 0900 in the 2nd district.

Well, I was there until 1400 and was told that today was my trial day and they decided not to have an English group for now, but would call me at the end of February, or beginning of March, or in May when something opens. Yeah, that's right, yank the other leg.

Now I have a week's train ticket that is utterly useless to me.  Anyone want to buy it off of me?

Right now I am feeling disgusted (there is simply no other word)  I'm guessing my next job they will turn me away at the door when I arrive.

On top of all of this, I have ascended and descended 18 flights of fucking stairs.  This is not good when you have two dislocated kneecaps (I really need to get these repaired).

Now I am on the sofa, and I may never move again.

The upshot of the day?  My husband sending Me a text telling me that for better, or worse, he will always love me.

That made my day!


Tracey said…
Love you. Something will turn up. Hopefully soon. I know how it sux trying to find a job and waiting... Keep you head up and keep the positive attitude you went home from the States with :)

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