Grey Days Abound

This is the time of year that I hate living in Central Europe.  We have day, after day, after day, after day of grey, cold weather.  We rarely see snow, which in itself, sucks big time.  I mean if we're going to have skies like this, at Mother Nature should at least provide us something pretty to look at.

I'll be the first to admit that I suffer from S.A.D.  Winter's here in Austria just about kill me.  If it's going to be cold, at least let the skies be blue, and the sun be out.  If the sun would come out I would take a walk (which would help tremendously), but with the grey sky days, I have no energy and I don't want to do anything.  I feel stuck in a cycle, that won't see the end until I see my garden starting to pop with crocuses and other early spring flowers.

In the meantime I am reading everything I can get my hands on, planning on taking a German course mid next month (finally), and then follow that with another advanced German course.  I need to be more marketable here in order to find a damn job (if the employers stop playing games).  I wouldn't mind going back to the Administrative Assistant "game", but I worry that I have been out of it for too long. 

I need to get a copy of my H.S. Diploma.  I have contacted the school multiple times, but they never send it to me.  Employers here want to see that.  Goddess only knows why, it was 14 bloody years ago.  Fourteen years ago I thought I was invincible and would conquer the world.  These days I just wish I could find a job with a good employer who will pay me decently.  How live views change.


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